We Love Winter

It was another snow day today which reminds me of a recent project made by a 2nd-grade class. They missed Hour of Code Week activities so their teacher asked me to do a coding project with them.

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Over the course of three 25 minute computer lab times, the 2nd graders created these winter themed projects.  They include 3-4 clickable sprites and one sprite that introduces the project and gives directions.

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This was a true first project for these students.  I introduced all the different aspects of Scratch: Stage, Sprites, Code blocks, events, etc.  We started with making the Sprites ‘clickable’ – meaning they would do something when we clicked on them.  We did a few different Sprites do different things.  There was some confusion around having the Sprite “say” hello.  The students expected to hear “hello” spoken, not written on the screen. I guess I need to be more precise when describing that action.

We did add a Sprite that plays a Sound when clicked, and one that turns, one that changes color.  And one that glides.  I decided that the glide block would work better in our interactive project than a move block that might eventually move off the stage.

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The last Sprite we added was one that would introduce the project and “say” the directions.

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I thought they did a great job on their first project.